ARCA Banner

16845 N 29th Avenue #312, Phoenix, AZ  85053-3041

Information Center

The next meeting of the Amateur Radio Council of Arizona will be held in-person (and virtually on ZOOM) at the
AARC/K7ARC Hamfest on April 19, 2025 at 11:00 AM.

For more information on this and all the events throughout the state of Arizona, click on "AZ Hamfest Calendar" at left.
If you are not an ARCA club representative and would like to attend on-line,
please click on the "Contact ARCA Board" link at left to request a login link.

Visit the ARCA and Section News page for important notices.

The ARCA "New Ham Kit" is now available on-line. Click on the "New Ham Kit" link at left to download.

Arizona Repeater Directories can be found on the Repeater Coordination Web Site.
All Repeater and Frequency questions or comments should be sent to the Repeater Coordination Committee.
Click on
Repeater Owners, then click on the radio tower for the co-ordination site.

Questions? - Can't find what you're looking for? Click on "Contact ARCA Board" at left and send message.
Someone will get back to you usually within 24 hours.

The Amateur Radio Council of Arizona (ARCA) is a statewide 501(c)(3) organization comprised of Amateur Radio Clubs from all parts of Arizona, working for the betterment of Amateur Radio statewide. The objectives of the Council are to combine opinions, ideas, and strengths of the various clubs; to assist the affiliated clubs in promoting the welfare of the Amateur Radio fraternity; and to encourage activities that will benefit the art of Amateur Radio.

Donations to the council are always welcome and may be tax deductible (talk with your tax advisor). For information on how to make a donation, click HERE

To contact ARCA and/or its Officers, click on "Contact ARCA Board."